Is config file safe for Bgmi? | Battlegrounds Mobile India 2022

Bgmi confi. file 

Hii guys I'm Devilmax and  today i'm going to  tell about "Is confi. file safe for Bgmi" Because there are so many quaries about configure file of Bgmi so toady we talk about it. There are so many confi. files which are used by players for different purposes. In conf. file you can attach so activities from  Third Parties from which can acces your game in different way such as increase your game graphics quality, control recoils of guns and use hacks in game etc.

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You access all this features in game from a separate file which is called as 'Configure File' OR 'Conf. File' . There are so many confi. file avaliable on website from where you can download it. 

But before to download it you must have to know about Bgmi's privacy and policy.

Bgmi's privacy and policy say that 'If you are caught while to use any third party materials in your game then your account will be banned and after it you can not access your game a long time' so before to use it you must know about Bgmi's privacy and policy.

You can read a sample which mentioned below in the pic :


But If you are want to use it then download link is here :

 Note : Download on own risk